Grim Review #6: "Mortal Dilemma"

Howdy folks. Turtle here with some more Grim Reviews. This time we're looking at “Mortal Dilemma”. Grim has an existential crisis. How does this translate to an episode? Let's find out.

Title card from the Grim Adventures Wiki

We open at breakfast at Billy's house. Billy is downing sugary breakfast cereal while Grim is just having his morning coffee.

Hope you like diabetes, Billy.

Grim notices his face on the milk carton.

“Hey! I'm not missing. I'm being held hostage by children.”

Sorry. They can't fit “Held hostage by children” onto a milk carton, Grim.

One of Grim's buddies from the underworld pops in, urging him to come back to his job. Grim says that he can't and explains the situation brought on by the pilot episode. The demon laughs hysterically at the news.

What did you expect Grim? Death got owned by children.

While walking Billy to the bus stop, Grim misses his old life. Billy and Mandy leave for school as Mandy tells Grim not to reap.

Reaper no reaping. Reaper no reaping. Reaper no reaping.
Awwww man.

Grim proceeds to look for and accident that he can exploit for a good reaping. After creepily stalking a little girl trying to cross the street, Grim flies after a reckless skateboarder. Grim decides to save the skateboarder from falling into a dig site. Grim contemplates his existence and decides to use his powers to help people.

This oughta be good.

He saves a lady from a purse snatcher and a cat from a tree, both scared to death of Grim.

That pussy looks....CATatonic. I'll see myself out.

He also saves some children from getting run down by a careless driver. Grim has another existential crisis, and Mandy's dog Saliva buries him in the yard to end the episode.

The episode really doesn't offer much in terms of jokes. Most of the jokes amount to Grim scaring people. The concept for the episode sounds okay on paper, but the execution was so lacking that I was bored for much of the episode. The pacing felt off too. Maybe if this were an 11-minute episode it would've been better. This felt like a waste of time.

“Mortal Dilemma” gets a rating of Bad


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