Grim Review #5: "Look Alive"

Howdy folks. Turtle here again with another Grim review. This time Grim wants to be a swimsuit model. How will that turn out? Let's find out in “Look Alive”.

Title card from the Grim Adventures wiki

We open on Grim reading a newspaper. He is dissatisfied with the lack of obituaries that day, as no one has died recently, at least locally. After a brief interaction with a dog, Grim runs into Billy and Mandy, who have just gone fishing. Billy has captured a stick, who he names Derrick. Grim feels left out, to which Mandy suggests that Grim get a part-time job. Grim states that he'd always wanted to be a swimsuit model. Grim goes to a modeling agency, only to be rejected for being “too dead.” Grim doesn't understand why he was turned away. Billy and Mandy inform him that he's too scary to model. Grim is insistent on this career path, so Mandy forces a make-over onto him. Armed with a red wig, pool ball eyes, and a stocking full of meat products, Grim goes back to the modeling agency from before. The agent is thrilled and wants to use him for a new commercial. The three watch the commercial Grim starred in only to find, he was the “before” guy, being called “ugly” and “misshapen” in the ad. Grim consults Derrick (and his brother Derrick) about his image, to which the sticks both dissolve.

I have a few minor gripes. First, if he is the Grim Reaper, wouldn't he already know if no one died, and therefore not need an obituary page to inform him of various deaths? He's seen in later episodes doing his job. Maybe the writers haven't put him back on the job yet? I don't know. If the woman in the commercial called him ugly (in multiple takes I assume) to his face, how is Grim just hearing about his true role in the commercial when he first sees it? I feel like the conclusion was rushed and this short should've been 11 minutes. Also, I find it really strange that Death wants to be a model. I guess that's the point,'s just really weird.

The episode has several jokes, but most of them kinda fall flat. Billy chasing a flashlight was kind of pointless, as was that shot where a sausage just falls out of Grim's stocking. There was a bit that got a smile out of me: the side effects to Swim Swam Trunks. Bleeding gums and ears. Like what? I think it could've used more side effects, but that's just me.

This episode was pretty average. Nothing bad, but nothing to write home about either. It's just unfunny.

Look Alive” gets a Meh rating.


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