FOP Review #1: "The Big Problem"

Hey folks. Turtle again. Here with an FOP review. Let's get right to it. Here's “The Big Problem”

Image courtesy of the Fairly Oddparents Wiki

Timmy is awakened by Cosmo and Wanda and assure his day will be ordinary. Timmy is bullied by Francis and is the ball at football tryouts.

Y'know, for an elementary school football team, these kids are pretty huge. Hitting the 'roids early, I see.

Timmy comes home to find that his parents are going to the movies.Vicky shows up to babysit, and immediately sends him to bed.

“You can't spell Vicky without icky.”

Hmmmmm. Vicky..... icky....... It'll never catch on.

Timmy has fantasies about being and adult and makes a wish to become one.

One of his fantasies is helping old ladies cross the street.

Okay then.

Timmy is transformed into a balding, overweight forty-something. Timmy wishes for hair, but the wish cannot be granted because he is now an adult.

If this were season 4 or beyond. Jorgen would've yoinked his fairies immediately.

Cosmo and Wanda decide to follow Timmy while he does adult stuff. He starts by driving.

How did Timmy get a license? Is this car secretly a sandwich? You apparently don't need a license for those.

He goes to help a lady cross the street and is maced for his trouble.

He goes to see an adult movie and is repulsed by a kissing scene.

“Shaving will be fun!”

Said no one ever. Except older Timmy, I guess.

Timmy goes to a restaurant to pig out without realizing he had to pay.

“That'll be $265.”
“That's more than I get in allowance...I mean....that's more than I make in a month.”
“Well you should've finished college.”
“Did you finish college?”
“No! Why do you think I'm a waiter?”

If this were 2017, that guy would have a Master's degree in anthropology.

After cleaning dishes all night, Timmy goes back home only to be kicked out by Vicky. This forces him to sleep on the bleachers at his school's football field.

Vicky discovers Timmy is missing and puts a bunch toys in his bed as a makeshift Timmy to cover her ass. This fools the Turners, to the surprise of no one.

Timmy wakes up to find Francis picking on Chester and AJ. Timmy intervenes, but Francis alerts some nearby cops. After Timmy escapes, Cosmo and Wanda get a fairygram saying that they are being reassigned to a troubled, and possibly psychopathic, child.

So they're being reassigned to Sid from Toy Story?

Timmy bribes the messenger to get two more hours with Cosmo and Wanda.

Wait. American dollars are worth something to fairies?

Timmy thinks acting like a kid again will revert him back to normal. There's nothing in Da RulesTM that says it's impossible.

“I smell loophole! We'll discuss it at the next fairy convention.”

Just don't hold somewhere stupid and inconvenient, okay Cosmo?

Timmy tries miniature golf, but his back gives out. He rides a kiddy ride outside of a supermarket, which creeps out some spectators.

The messenger comes back to take Cosmo and Wanda back, but Timmy bribes him again.

Timmy runs into Vicky, who is looking for the “missing” Timmy. Timmy is beaten up again, and the cops take him to jail.

Timmy cries in desperation, unlocking his inner child. Timmy wishes to be a kid again, and presto, he's back to being a child. The messenger is sent to be the crazy kid's godparent, and Timmy is released from jail.

The episode has a good message: don't grow up too fast and enjoy your childhood, cause being an adult can really suck. There aren't really many laugh out loud moments, though. And I question why wishing to be an adult is even allowed in Da Rules. I mean I guess it's not technically unreasonable, but there should be a disclaimer about that.

At any rate, due to these factors, I give “The Big Problem” a Meh rating.


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